This is the used 731-0954 Steering Bellows that was removed from the unit listed below. It is in good shape. If you have any more questions about the item please let us know. Please evaluate pictures carefully before you buy!

Brand: Craftsman

Model: GT

Description: Garden Tractor

Year: 1998

Factory Model: 14AS845H062

Serial #: 1C042B50146

Hours: Unknown

Condition: Fair 

Engine: Briggs & Stratton 18.5HP

Model: 42A707 Type: 2238 E1 Serial Number: 0010205B

These parts are used and contain the normal light rust, scuffs, scratches and moderate wear that you would expect to find on parts taken from a used unit. Please evaluate the pictures carefully before you bid. Thank you for bidding.

Note: All items shipped to an Ohio address or picked up at our location are subject to Ohio sales tax.