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LIFE Magazine
Classic LIFE Magazine, with all the great photographs, features, writers, vintage advertisements and MORE -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! *

ISSUE DATE: September 10 1965; Vol. 59, No. 11

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COVER: Control of LIFE; Profound and astonishing biological revolution.

TRIUMPH OF GEMINI 5: After smashing all space records, Astronauts Gordon Cooper and Charles Conrad land safely on a tranquil sea.
Waiting it out with the wives and children, by Miguel Acoca.

Items in the News: Death of Architect Le Corbusier, retirement of Casey Stengel and other events of the week.

THE HAUNTING BEAUTY OF SENTA BERGER: A new film star who is Paulette, Hedy and Ava all in one. [Multiple photos, incl Full page color photo!]

INDESTRUCTIBLE ROSALIND RUSSELL: She takes avant-garde in stride, in a film called Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mamma's Hung You in the Closet and I'm Feelin' So Sad. [NICE article, with multiple photos!]

L.B.J.'S MAN FOR THE PRESS: Close-up of BILL MOYERS, the dynamic young press secretary at the White House.

CONTROL OF LIFE: First of a major four-part series on audacious experiments and new developments on the frontiers of medicine and biology, and how they will affect people everywhere.

OLD PITCHER JOHNNY SAM: The Twins' miracle coach teaches Minnesota how to win. By Marshall Smith.

RISE AND FALL OF A TV CZAR: Jim Aubrey's dismissal at CBS shook the television world -- and here's how it all came about. By Richard Oulahan and William Lambert.

Editorials: Improved outlook in Vietnam; Spreading perils of the pound.
LIFE Reviews:
Books: three works on Goldwater and the G.O.P. plight, reviewed by Murray Kempton. Robert Murphy's The Golden Eagle, reviewed by Franklin Russell.
Movie: To Die in Madrid, reviewed by Brian O'Doherty.
Letters to the Editors.
The Feminine Eye: Ringo, Ringo, let down your hair! By Shana Alexander.
Miscellany: Support for a sagging soldier.
* NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Oversized magazine, Approx 10oe" X 13". COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)
A great snapshot of the time, and a terrific Birthday present or Anniversary gift!
Careful packaging, Fast shipping, ALL GUARANTEED --