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LIFE Magazine
Classic LIFE Magazine, with all the great photographs, features, writers, vintage advertisements and MORE -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! *

ISSUE DATE: October 29, 1945; Vol 19, No 18

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LIFE'S COVER: AUTUMN. The man and his dog on LIFE's cover are enjoying, for the first time in years, an autumn of peace. Many men like him, civilian and soldier, are having their first opportunity to go out over long neglected roads to tramp through fallen leaves of the quiet woods and absord the scented sharpness of a hunter's autumn. This year, non-hunters, too, drive again through the country to see the fleeting autumn brilliance, depicted in the color photographs on pages 61-64.


SPEAKING OF PICTURES ... Caricaturist Oscar Berger portrays people around Truman.

LIFE'S REPORTS: ANIMALS are not human -- But some think, some talk, and some make war by Donald Newton.

New York's Campaign for Mayor. Cantidates are all disliked by the bosses. Democrats -- O'Dwyer, LaGuardia.
Editorial : THE BOMB -- A survey of recent discussion reveals need for its political equivalent.
Picture of the WEEK: Pope Pius XII sits on a Papal chair for an exclusive photographic portrait.
ALLIES indict 24 top Nazi's for War Crimes -- Hitler's aides are mugged like common criminals before trial by Allied Military Tribunal of Big Four.
LONG voyage Home -- Having won its war in the Pacific, the Navy returns to have its day.
The U.S.S. Enterprise sunk six times according to Jap claims, enters new York Harbor by the dawn's early light. (full page photo)

ARTICLE: The Atomic Scientists speak up -- Nuclear physicists say there is no secrecy in Atomic bomb and no defense against it -- by Dr. David L. Hill, Dr. Eugene Rabinowitch and Dr. John A. Simpson, Jr.

ARTICLE: Japan's Zaibatsu -- Industrialists disclaim war guilt -- seek to retain economic control.

SPORTS: Weight Lifting 1,500,000 brawny Americans expect their sport to boom.

NATURE: Autumn -- Lanscape brightens briefly before winter sets in; A Boll Weevil's birth.

CLOSE-UP: Mr. William Thomas Piper of Cub Haven -- America' s no 1 maker of light planes aims to keep his cub first in the postwar skies. By Lincoln Barnett.

Teen-age Magazine -- Junior Bazaar - published by junior misses.
Scarf Tricks -- twins use them for identical outfits.

MOVIE OF THE WEEK: "And Then There Were None" -- Nursery rhyme is accompaniment to strange murders, from 20th Century Fox, from the Agatha Christie story.

PHOTOGRAPHIC ESSAY: English country houses -- they were homes of ruling class in Britain's great past.

ARTICLE: A short talk with Erlanger -- the Army is using a dramatic treatment called narco-synthjesis to help Psychiatric casualties.

SCIENCE: Electronic rat trap -- new device makes rodent's intelligence lead to downfall.

MUSIC: New folk singer -- SUSIE REED is a nightclub hit with her singing of old ballads (absolutely arrresting photograph, too).

LIFE GOES to Mike Romanoff's Restaurant -- a fantastic ex fraud turned honest man runs a profitable, celebrity filled eating place in Hollywood.

MISC: Berlin's broken statues.

LIFE's PICTURES: OSCAR BERGER, Shown here with the Chief Executive, is a distinguished caricaturist who nevertheless persists in referring to all his subjects as 'my victims'. Having hed occasonal trouble with dignitaries before (he once had to disguise himself as a waiter to get into a banquet) he was happily surprised when, waiting to make a drawing of the President, he asked for a White House appointment, immediately got three and the run of the house. the results are shown on pages 12 to 15.

FULL PAGE vintage ADS include:
MOVIE AD: Bing Crosby * Ingrid Bergman * The Bells of St. Mary's * RKO radio pictures.
MOVIE AD: SANFU from columbia Pictures!
COLOR AD for Plymouth Imagination in testing -- Plymouth Dodge Desoto Chrysler; MOVIE AD: CAPITAL HITS from Hollywood from Capitol Records -- 2 page ad; Warner Bros. PRIDE of the Marines with John Garfield; FIRSTS from FORD full page color ad; COLOR FULL PAGE AD: Peirre Monteux for RCA VICTOR... PLUS MORE FULL PAGE, and MANY MORE smaller ads!
* NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date.
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Oversized magazine, Approx 10oe" X 13". COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)
A great snapshot of the time, and a terrific Birthday present or Anniversary gift!
Careful packaging, Fast shipping, ALL GUARANTEED --