Supracor Stimulite Silver CushionDesigned for users at lower risk of pressure injuries, the Stimulite Silver is a ventilated double-layered cushion
for use on a wheelchair, recliner, stadium seat or any other seating surface.
The cushion self-adjusts by contouring to each person's anatomy while equalizing pressure across its surface.
The footprint of flexible cells stimulates capillary action to keep oxygenated blood in tissues and to combat numbness
that can occur when sitting for long periods.
1 1/2" Thick, Weighs 1 Lb.
Available Sizes, Width And Depth: 16x16, 16x18, 18x16, 18x18.
Available at additional cost. 12", 14" Widths And (18x20, 20x18, 20x20)