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I have been getting an extraordinary amount of requests from people asking me if Madam Elizabeth Crawley would give them a Blessing, or cast a certain spell for them. She does readings on (Professor Richmond) my father's paranormal collection, and often gifts the winners of our auctions with items she has cast with spells and blessings. People have written to me absolutely thrilled with these items!

For those of you unfamiliar with Madam Elizabeth--she is considered among desiccant circles (especially in Europe) as the utmost authority on all things paranormal. She is also a profound and ultra-talented Spell Caster. Madam Elizabeth can cast spells for almost anything, and has helped me out on numerous occasions. We have decided due to the great demand that we will begin auctioning items that she has either performed an ancient blessing upon, or cast with special spells from the Van Doreen Book of Spells.

I have personally been privileged enough to witness her casting a spell--the love, care and concentration she puts into it is completely inspiring. Madam Elizabeth is a Master at Lunar Phasing, Tarot, Herbs and all types of spell formation. The Boxes and roses she has cast with spells for our customers have received the most wonderful and sincere praise.

Madam Elizabeth lives in England, so the pieces she sends me will be mostly jewelry. Some will be new, and some will be older. All will be charged with superior quality Magick Spells to help you along your way. For safety she only uses Pure White Magick which also has a knack for blending with your own body vibrations, and making you feel simply wonderful all over. Madam Crowley does not want to charge a lot for these pieces, as she wishes to share her Magick with the ordinary folk who need it the most.

Good Luck and Many Blessings!



STUNNING PENADANT. OLD AND MYSTERIOUS! FULL OF UNIQUE POWERS! Approx 3" Deep red Jasper set in solid Sterling Silver with a blue Topaz crowning gem.
Please read the history of this Vessel. Sometime back I was honored to present a few Vessels previously owned by the mysterious and Powerful Betty Rushmore. I am excited to inform you that a we are now able to distribute more of these highly rare and powerful Destiny Pieces. The time is right, and YOU ARE READY! Betty Rushmore was born somewhere in Europe, although no one seems to quite agree on the exact location but Madam Crawley insists she was born in Suffolk, so I am going to believe her.  She was born at least 150 years ago. She resides on the other-side of the veil, not in the light, but on the edge of the light where she may retain connection to this earthly world. For your information, this is where all the Guardians and Secret Chiefs of the New Age reside. This is of their own choosing so that they might still share and help humanity's growth and progression back to Love, Magick and Enlightenment.They can move freely from the Light to the Edge of the light, because their powers and their desire to help is so strong. Most mortals die and move into the light. Some confused souls loose their way, and are stuck at the edge of the light, these are the ghosts, and disturbing spirits that some people complain of. A High Entity can travel from the highest to the lowest realms, a lower entity can move lower, but not higher until they have spiritually progressed by making up for wrong deeds.  Sorry for the divergence, I got a little off track! Anyway, Betty Rushmore was a very special Chosen One. (I think of her as a Motzart of Magick) She was always conspicuously absent from the Magick circles of her day, although all the witches new of her and wanted to learn from her. However, Betty Rushmore was a woman of gaiety and laughter, riches and romance-- she lived life to the extreme. She really had no time to sit and study spells and live on their boring, academic level. She was PURE GIFTED. This is a very rare phenomena, and as you may well guess, everyone wanted to have "a piece" of her. But she didn't care, she simply used her gifts completely for her own benefit. She made millions upon millions of pounds, which back then was incredible wealth. She was not unkind, but she was no philanthropist. She spent money like water. Anytime she wanted anything she simply did some "Internal" Magick, and it would happen for her. She angered many Witches because they felt she had such talents that the whole world might be changed for the better by them. When she died, dignitaries, royalty, you name it, all turned out for her funeral. She was ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING she ever wanted to be. When she passed, the disgruntled (and jealous) witches were sure she would find her upcommance. Remember, these witches worked their fingers to the bone to learn and study this Craft called Magick that she could so carelessly command at will. When Betty arrived on the other side, instead of penance, she was praised by the Secret Chiefs for her abandonment of "The Rules." She was placed high at the Table of Masters. She had proven that LIFE IS FOR LIVING. However, she had achieved this goal, and felt not one ounce of guilt, and paid not one penance. For she had done nothing wrong because her story was not yet complete. She realized that it was now her utmost desire and passion to share her immense abilities. No longer can she partake physically in the Joys Of Life, but she can Spiritually share in the JOY OF LIFE through others!  There is a huge lesson in this attitude. There is never a need for burdens on your shoulders, if you live life with joy, you can do nothing wrong. These Vessels I have here, are infused with her VERY SPECIAL Magickal Powers. She has been working hard and happily on the other-side to help. She has blessed and cast these pieces with her own Charisma and Magickal Talents. The owner can expect HUGE WEALTH, and ABANDONMENT OF GUILT, You will be Carefree, RIDICULOUSLY RICH AND NOT ONE BIT ASHAMED ABOUT IT!!! She has chosen to use Madam Crawley's Vessels that have already been cast with various spells. She had many, many Covens and witches to chose from, and we are euphoric that she has chosen Madam Crawley's ART, to use for her Magnificent Magick. Although I would not begin to know how to explain these "Spells" we have condensed the description into this: Spell Cast Vessel from Betty Rushmore who resides at the High Table of Secret Chiefs on the Other-Side of the Veil. The CHOSEN ONE shall have MASSIVE WEALTH, HAPPINESS and HEALTH, A WONDERFUL CAREFREE FEELING OF JOY, AND WILL BE GUIDED AND PROTECTED BY BETTY RUSHMORE. Pure Destiny Magick waiting to be claimed! I'm overwhelmed by the power of these pieces. Betty Rushmore-- wealthy, extravagant and unpredictable, she is all I (personally) would LOVE TO BE! I can only hope that one of these has my name on it!
As you can see we care nothing about the price these go for. This is an ELITE COLLECTION. And a Vessel with her name upon it is Valued by our private investors to be worth in the region of $100,000.00

This Vessel is also cast with the Voodoo Luck Spell

   The wonderful thing about this spell is that it is one of the VERY, VERY RARE SPELLS that has been formulated to use the Intensity of Black Magick through the honesty and karma correct procedures of White Magick. I have my own vessel spelled with the Voodoo Luck Spell, and I attribute it to MANY of the best lucky coincidences of my life!!!! Don't miss it!



Listen to Ernest from Portland OR. He's a very sweet gentleman who has been buying our vessels for years.
"Hiya Anna, Hope all is well with you and the Madam! May I just say the the last batch of vessels were so powerful and strong. The Genie is here with me now and the sprite is all over the place making me money. The Voodoo spell is working wonders for me. Can you get me another for a friend? or does she have to get it herself? Since it arrived everything has gone my way. It could be the Genie too but the Voodoo spell kinda fills the air if you know what I mean? I've been getting money left and right. I had an old savings bond from my mother who was English and it just came up winning me 42,078.00 Pounds sterling which is closer to $70,000.00. Really Anna this is fantastic good luck. I have also gotten engaged to be married and my teeth have stopped hurting completely. Thank you again for all your help and patience. You are a true friend and I am ready for the New Age and whatever it brings. Ernie."

This is an incredibly Powerful Spell based upon the ancient art of VOODOO. The Haitians originated this spell to protect against enemies and natural disasters such as tidal waves and ruthless monsoons. In the Middle Ages the spell traveled across the oceans and was developed further by a famous German Warlock. He used the power of the ages ingrained in the spell and tailored it toward general GOOD LUCK AND FORTUNE.

Voodoo is very strong and immediate, and not considered a White Art. However, in this form it is a White Art. Only a few of the very Positive Voodoo spells can be made available to the public. This is one of them.

You can expect great things to happen with this spell. Astounding improvements in these areas:

and oddly enough (a remnant of the Haitian version) Good weather at special occasions.

 Spells cast from the Van Doren Book of Spells.

Good Luck & Many Blessings Madam Crawley & Anna


We currently only accept Paypal.


FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. Items will be shipped first class mail. I will do my best to get your item out within 48 hours of payment. Holidays and special occasions may cause a delay. Having said that, I often post the same day as payment.

One of the pictures we took during my recent visit with Madam Crawley in England.

Please check my other auctions to learn all about who and what is going on here! My father who recently passed away was a treasure hunter, and Madam Elizabeth Crawley being a world class Medium has been asked to do readings on the pieces in my father's collection. Not only is she a medium but also the High Preistess at a very renowned Coven is Sussex, England. I've simply fallen in love with her. I've never met a more enlightened, generous and powerful lady in my whole life. She is 97 years old, but treats life with so much joy and passion... She has truly tought me to see every day as a special miricle.

As for me--I take very much pride in what I am doing, and I consider myself blessed to be acquainted with such important figures in the Wiccan community. I package all the items carefully and treat my customers with total respect. This is a very serious venture to me--I KNOW Magic is real as it has played an enormous role in my life. I wish to share with the world the bounty of Magick that is available to those who seek it.

My name is Anna, please contact me if you have any questions

Read a few of our AMAZING feedbacks!
Most of our clientele are repeat customers.

Please let me know if you have any problems before leaving negative or neutral feedback as I'm sure we can work out anything that might come up. I will leave feedback as soon as it's left for me. I appreciate all the wonderful and appreciative emails I've received since selling these items on eBay. Thank you and Blessings!