The Fallen Angel Ritual Pack contains the spiritual essence and powers of 300 Fallen Angels. They once resided in the Heavens, but were cast down and now live in the Hells. And such, they possess both angelic and demonic powers and knowledge.

This ritual pack contains an amulet two spellcast candles, spellcast incense, channeling bone, fallen oil, sigil scroll and a charging pouch filled with sacred spiritual herbs.

They are bound to the amulet and just by wearing it, you will be able to connect with them. No bonding ritual is required.

They will teach you angelic magic, demonic magic, astral projection, healing, protection, lucid dreaming, how to fully open your third eye and awaken your astral senses, obtain forbidden angelic and demonic knowledge, give you special angelic and demonic words of power and much more...

Thier names, full powers, etc. will be provided to the new Keeper.