Good, fairly worn and stained. Book is flat and tight.
Additional Details
Product description: This book was written for the budgerigar fancier to help them gain an understanding of the principles underlying the successful keeping of budgerigars or shell parakeets. Both detailed and accessible, this antique text is perfect for amateurs and professionals alike, and constitutes a worthy addition to collections of ornithological literature. The chapters of this book Bacterial Diseases, Virus Diseases, Internal Microscopic Parasites, Diagnosis, General Treatment of Sick Birds, Sterilization, Prevention, the Hospital Cage, Fungi, External Parasites, Other Diseases, Egg Abnormalities, Sex Reversal, Dead Young in Nest, Broken Legs and Wings, Crippled Feet, et cetera. This text has been chosen for modern republication due to its significant educational value, and we are proud to republish it here complete with a new introduction on aviculture.