12" tall x 18" wide
Printed on:
Heavyweight Exhibition Quality Photographic Stock
About this Design:
Human flight fascinated man for centuries. Balloons and inventions which mimicked the movement and design of birds go as far back as Leonardo Divinci. Now? We take it for granted. Anyone can fly and the risk is minimal apart from the occasional body cavity search by hypervigilant TSA agents which usually isn't life threatening. But in it's early days human flight took was for just the bold or fool hearty. This print shows an early design that one pioneer created. This design is particularly inspiring if when you look at it you consider the risks you're taking to succeed likely don't compare to the life and death risks of early human flight.
How We Make Our Prints:
All our designs are created with a focus on how they appear once printed. We print on a commercial-grade large format printer utilizing 12 ink colors to achieve profession exhibit-quality photographs and fine art prints at a resolution of 2400x1200 dpi. It is capable of prints up to 44" wide x 30 feet in length.
We most often print to professional heavy-weight photographic paper. Artist's studio-quality canvas is an option. If you require canvas please contact us prior to purchase to discuss the option.
Need a Custom Size?
Any of our prints can be resized for your specific requirements.
Need printing services?
We provide print services for both professions and consumers needing high-quality output of their photos and art. Contact us for details.