The Archangel Uriel and Gabriel Inspiration Empowerment attunement connects y ou to these two wonderful Archangels. Together they have stepped forward to help those who seem unable to focus their attention on creative solutions and art. So many people are feeling confused and unable to focus on higher goals or to see any of the beauty and wonders that awats them in the future. This has happened because there is so much worry and stress going on in teh lives of people on Earth right now.

Even those who are writers, musicians and painters are having trouble receiving their creative inspiration at times. This attunement is healing sa well as opens up your crown chakra for divine inspiration. It helps remove negative feelings and emotions that cause confusion and blockages so that the path is clear from the source to your mind.

This attunement helps you to once again receive the inspired beauty, love, healing and wonder of creativity thaht creates not only art, but also solutions to issues and problems for the highest good.

Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel is an angel who helps with beauty, organization, cleansing and inspration. Uriel is more quiet than the other 3 archangels of the big four (Uriel, Raphael, Michael and Gabriel), but, Uriel has the power to quiet fears and sooth your heart of emotional pain. Uriel is always ready to offer assistance. He is an angel of great power and compassion. Beauty and strength are among the wonders of Archangel Uriel's gifts to humanity. Strength to endure, to triumph, to be gentle rather than abrasive and harsh are some of the effects of working with the energies and assitance Uriel offers.


Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel delivers the messages from The Creative Source to humans. Known as the Messenger Angel, he inspired Joan of Arc and comes to the aid of those in need of hearing the voice of spirity. Divine messages often move through Archangel Gabriel and arrive to whisper in your ear to give you that 'Wow! I just got a great idea" message of hope, courage and creative solutions. His energies are loving, strong and move you to action because they are so powerful and exciting. Archangel Gabriel will stand beside you and give you the extra push with divine inspiration when you need it most. When you receive a message of inspiration from Gabriel, it effects not only your mind but also your heart and spirit.


Calling on boh of these wonderful Archangels to assist you with problem solving helps you to find creative solutions that work out perfectly to achieve your goal. This can be any goal, including financial issues, relationship issues and creating beauty and happiness.

With purchase, 1 distant attunement (via angelic sphere); 1 manual; 1 certificate.

Manual and certificate sent via email. If the email you wish to use is not your paypal email, please let me know. Thank you!