This is a dark arts offering! Cannot be used for peace, mery or similar purpose.
We wish to present our unique Black Divinity Ring from our elite collection. Only one will be ever offered here up for sale!
It contains the spiritual essence and powers of a Black Divinity, who is made of pure darkness, spiritual essence, shadows, night and dark energies. She commands legions of shadow spirits, vampires, wraiths, reavers, bats, demonic cats, shadow elementals, black saints, black demons and other dark arts entities.
She holds dominion over black divinity magic and powers, darkness, shadow magic and manipulation, love, seduction, sex, mind control, beauty, long life, reverse aging process, protection, protection against illnesses and diseases, fate weawing, night, fear, death, nightmare, wealth, revenge, shadow healing, shadow life draining and more...
The ring was enchanted with 7 Dark Moon Ceremonies, 5 Black Divinity Rituals and with a Shadow Matrix over a full moon cycle.
The ring radiates with her dark powers and it will alway feel cold to the touch.
The first time you wear the ring and chant her name, it will create an omnipotent Soul Union and Soul Bond between you and her. You will be bound to her and she will be bound to you for all eternity. Her powers will flow into your mind, body and soul and start to transfigure them into another Black Divinity like herself.
The ring also acts as a passive Apotheosis relic. The more you wear it and work with her, the stronger the bond will become, your powers will grow steadily and instant changes manifest. For example: If you are angry at someone, then your rage and fury might unleash a barrage of shadow magic at the person to cause him/her harm without you having to cast the spell or perform the ritual.
She will teach you, guide and help to master your new powers and unlock your full potential.
Since this is a dark arts offering, we would only recommend her to experienced spirit keepers, who know how to work with dark arts entities.
She will never harm you in any way. But you should treat her with respect and she will become your eternal ally (and perhaps lover) along your path. She is bi-sexual, so she can work with both male and female Keepers.
She prefers to work with her Keeper during the night, but you can also call upon her for assistance during the day.
She will create a special dark shield around your mind, body and soul made of her black divinity and dark magic. It will block all kinds of negativity, injury, harm, bad luck, accident, slander, illness, disease, black magic attack, curse, hex, etc. and return them back to the sender five-fold. Once you possess this ring, these won't be able to touch you.
No bonding ritual is required. Just by wearing the ring, you will be able to connect with her.
Her name, full powers, etc. will be revealed only to the new Keeper.
We will send you with this ring two spellcast candles, spellcast incense, two channeling stones, sigil scroll, one black divinity oil, a bag of special spiritual herbs and a wooden charging box.