lorox Brand Pool & Spa Series Super Water Clarifier (1 Quart)
High pH or low chlorine levels are among the most common reasons pool water may cloud. Step 1: Test water to determine if these parameters are in range and adjust as needed. Step 2: Start seeing results in 24 hours. |
Chemically cleaning the filter at pool opening and mid-season helps improve filtration and restore water clarity. Step 1: Backwash filter or chemically clean filter media. Step 2: Empty any debris in the skimmer basket that may be clogging water flow. |
Debris and contaminants enter pool water by wind, heavy use and rain. It may cloud the water or strain the pool's system. Step 1: Empty skimmer basket. Step 2: Skim or vacuum debris from water. Step 3: Apply a clarifier or a flocculant to improve filtration. Step 4: Shock water to remove swimmer contaminants. |