Use this massage oil if you have large pores, a thick coarse texture and overactive oil glands gives shine look to your skin. This special facial oil is easily absorbed into the skin, and is very effective in moisturizing and tightening the skin, assisting in regeneration of cells and strengthening of capillaries. It possesses antiseptic and anti-fungal properties and helps to treat various skin disorders, such as, acne, wrinkles, psoriasis, and other inflammations; helps to heal acne scars, as it assists in formation of scar tissues. This unique facial oil formula balances oil production, reducing excessive oiliness, and by fighting bacterial infection, it helps to control acne and blemishes, as well as, softening and smoothing the skin, and stimulating new cell growth. It enhances the luster of dull looking skin, improving the tone, as well as, benefiting the skin by its sedating ability to relieve itching. This one-of-a-kind facial oil maintains healthy and clear skin complexion, also cooling and refreshing tired skin. Thus promoting clear and luminous complexion, warding off wrinkles and premature aging. Enjoy... To see active ingredients go to HighAltitudeOrganics dot Net. FREE Shipping within 48 US Continental States
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Package quantity: 1