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? Please note that these items and services must by law be sold for entertainment purposes only. We cannot make any claims or guarantees relative to any outcome(s) pertaining to products we offer. We are also required to state that our Magickal items are sold as curios!! WE DO take our Religion and lifestyle very seriously and our practices are hundreds of years old, rich with great knowledge, skill and history. With that said, our items or services are not intended nor should they replace any proper medical or psychological care. Blessed be. )O(

\ Albina has consecrated this LOVELY RING with a spell derived from "Ancient Asian Magick", this AMAZING spell is called "7 Essences of Energy" and it promotes MANY powers! Albina explains that this spell is derived frpm an ancient Asian form of Magick to promote Stability, Auric cleansing, Positive changes, Transformation, Healing and many more abilities. This spell brings forth these amazing "essences" and has 7 elements:
1) Glowing Essence : promotes Auric cleansing by eliminating residual and stored negative energies in on'e spersonal energy field!
2) Balanced Essence: promotes a balancing of one's personal enerbgies to grant a steady flow without blockages within one's energy field (open channels promote psychic ability and mental strengths as well).
3)Fortunate Essence: This aspect of the Spell promotes drawing forth the energies that promote "goosd fortune" and new opportunities!
4) Soothing Essence: Promotes both relief from stresses and challenges by drawing forth and empowering and soothing force of energies into one's energy field.
5) Higher Essence: this aspect of the spell promotes "opening paths" that allow messages, spiritual communication, psychic visions and spiritual bonds with others
6) Transforming Essence: promotes a trensformation of "bad" or stagnant energies that draw in negative experiences and outcomes into nurturing and positive energies that pomote "luck" and positive outcomes!!!
7) Healing Essence: This aspect allows the bearer to draw in the energies that promote physical and emotional healing in order to regain pone's true power and strength!"
She adds that it is important to "allow one's energies to align with the Magickal over a period of 3-4 weeks" and one must carry or wear the piece as often as possible. She closed by saying that "she felt in her heart there are those calling for this spell!" My loving Thanks and SINCERE Blessings to her for all of her time and efforts!!