Vintage, rare Scribner's magazine, with interesting and intelligent articles, richly illustrated with drawings and photographs, and with vintage advertisements of the day! Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! Issue Date: DECEMBER 1933; VOL. XCIV, NO. 6 N THIS ISSUE:- This description copyright Edward D Peyton 2002. Any un-authorized use of this description is strictly prohibited. COVER Design And Decorations By Edward Shenton. ABBE ERNEST DIMNET -- The Future of Religion. CAROLINE GORDON -- Old Red -- A Story. STUART CHASE -- The Consumer's Tomorrow. JAMES GOULD COZZENS -- Every Day's a Holiday -- A Story. BENJAMIN STOLBERG -- A Government in Search of a Labor Movement. MARTHA BENSLEY BRUERE -- I Can Count on Myself. ERNEST SUTHERLAND BATES -- Thorstein Veblen -- A Biography 355. LOLA VON HOERSHELMAN -- Cornered -- A Story. ROBERT NATHAN -- Israel -- A Poem. Life in the United States: EDMUND WILSON -- The Old Stone House. KIMBALL FLACCUS -- Here by the Connecticut -- A Poem. Straws in the Wind: GEORGE W. GRAY -- Science's New Certainty. DOROTHY DUNBAR BROMLEY -- Are Servants People?. WILLIAM LYON PHELPS -- As I Like It. HELENE MULLINS -- Climacteric -- A Poem. Books for Your Library -- Book Reviews. Behind the Scenes -- Biographical Notes. This description copyright Edward D Peyton 2002. Any un-authorized use of this description is strictly prohibited. Magazine is COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition. (see photo) The pages are clean and bright.