Ouro Verde Quartz
Astrological Sign: Leo


   Ouro Verde Quartz is Metamorphosis Quartz which has been irradiated with gamma rays to produce the yellow green color (there is no residual radiation involved with this mineral process).
   Ouro Verde Quartz never needs to be cleaned or recharged.
   It allows the user to see or to understand the meanings of or the reasons behind thoughts and actions by others around them as well as to understand with clarity the guidance of one's own intuition. It indeed develops one own clarity from within the higher fields of the self without all of the outward validations one normally uses to attach value to the experience since it resonates within ones field already.
   It can when directed find sources of illness in the self and others with clarity  and an exactness which may startle many. It is said to provide protection from all exterior threats and intrusions.
   It is said to be a very high energy mineral and that very sensitive people should restrict their contact with the piece until accustomed to its vibrational resonance.

 Size: 55 x 20 x 15 mm + -
          1 13/16 x 1 1/16 x 11/16 inches + -

Chakra: Harmonizes the column and the auric field
Rays: 1st Will or Power, 5th Concrete Science
Planet: Sun
Element: Wind
Vibrates to the number: 1