Vintage Real Photo Postcard, circa 1950s. Identified as the Wheelock house in 1869. Occupants, Hartwell Cushman family. Built by lawyer John Rogers, 1817-1821. Second from southern edge of the Ridge, Orford, New Hampshire. Divided back, Devolite Peerless stampbox, unused. Condition: This is an original photo postcard, not a copy or reproduction. It is in near mint condition. Comments: Author Washington Irving visited Orford in 1832 and is quoted as saying, "In all my travels in this country and in Europe, I have seen no village more beautiful than this. It is a charming place -- nature has done her utmost here." Of the famous sequence of seven early homes built on The Ridge, Dartmouth Professor of Architecture Hugh Morrison said, "As a row and counting the setting, this is the finest group of Federal-style houses in the United States." Built between 1773 and 1839, the dwellings show the influence of architect Asher Benjamin.