"Light of the World” Young Child Jesus, Famous Antique Religious Sepia Charles Bosseron ChambersPrint Circa: 1920's

Excellent Original Condition in a frame without glass: The gold frame measures: 7 1/8” Width x 8” Length. The mat opening in a window shape is approximately 3.5 "wide x 4.2”. The mat has an intricate gold laced on leather look. Manufacturer: Villa Mages, Chicago.

This antique religious sepia print titled, "Light of the World" by the master painter and famous listed artist, Charles Bosseron Chambers..(The second photo was filtered to enhance the print ). The framed shot in sepia is an accurate depiction. This particular picture is Bosseron Chambers most iconic and famous work of art. The print and matting are both in excellent original condition. The decorative fancy metal frame retains the original gold finish. optional stand for tabletop use. Circa 1920’s.


Charles Bosseron Chambers (1882-1964): Charles Bosseron Chambers was known for his figurative work, mainly portraits or works with religious themes. Chambers was born in ; his father was an Irish captain in the British army and his mother was a member of an established French family in . According to his niece, Chambers later adopted the middle name "Bosseron" because he felt his last name "too plain" to reflect his French heritage.


Like many American artists at the turn of the century, Chambers studied art abroad, first at the , where he spent six years studying with Louis Schultz. He later studied with Alois Hrdliczka at the in and with Johannes Schumacher in . In 1916, Chambers returned to the States and settled into a studio at Carnegie Studios in . It was here that he painted the "Light of the World," the most popular religious painting at the time. Chambers later illustrated Scribner Classics' version of Sir Walter Scott's Quentin Durward.


For the monastery, Chambers painted a number of works, the best known of which were his cover illustrations for the Commissariat's publication, Crusader's Almanac, such as The Crusader's Vision on and The Crusader's Death.


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