

I have been getting an extraordinary amount of requests from people asking me if Madam Elizabeth Crawley would give them a Blessing, or cast a certain spell for them. She does readings on (Professor Richmond) my father's paranormal collection, and often gifts the winners of our auctions with items she has cast with spells and blessings. People have written to me absolutely thrilled with these items!
For those of you unfamiliar with Madam Elizabeth--she is considered among desiccant circles (especially in Europe) as the utmost authority on all things paranormal. She is also a profound and ultra-talented Spell Caster. Madam Elizabeth can cast spells for almost anything, and has helped me out on numerous occasions. We have decided due to the great demand that we will begin auctioning items that she has either performed an ancient blessing upon, or cast with special spells from the Van Doreen Book of Spells.
I have personally been privileged enough to witness her casting a spell--the love, care and concentration she puts into it is completely inspiring. Madam Elizabeth is a Master at Lunar Phasing, Tarot, Herbs and all types of spell formation. The Boxes and roses she has cast with spells for our customers have received the most wonderful and sincere praise.
Madam Elizabeth lives in England, so the pieces she sends me will be mostly jewelry. Some will be new, and some will be older. All will be charged with superior quality Magick Spells to help you along your way. For safety she only uses Pure White Magick which also has a knack for blending with your own body vibrations, and making you feel simply wonderful all over. Madam Crowley does not want to charge a lot for these pieces, as she wishes to share her Magick with the ordinary folk who need it the most.
Good Luck and Many Blessings!
 The Value of this Vessel as a piece of jewelry alone far outweighs the price we are offering it for. There's no reason not to acquire this Vessel if you feel it calling to you. Can be worn on chain, does not need to be worn for the Magick to be active
Sp GORGEOUS! Pictures do not do this justice at all. it's absolutely LOVELY!! You will be having such wonderful adventures and learning such deep knowledge with this piece. Meet Andreal and unfold the ways of Magick and the world of dreams! Stamped but I can't read it. Size 8. Twinkling blue and white gemstones.
I have been having intuitive flashes, as some of you know. I am starting to always trust my intuition, and I have been urging you all to do the same. The Vessel you see here is TOP NOTCH, HIGHLY ACCLAIMED PROVEN AND TESTED TO BE 100% EFFECTIVE. If you are lucky enough to be here right now, and to be reading these words, then press the BUY IT KNOW button. It's MEANT FOR YOU! These Destiny Pieces can not end up in the wrong hands, so GO FOR IT!!! I can only tell you that if you NEED MAGICK in your life you've come to the right place. Here we do not care about letting precious items go for a pittance. I have GIVEN-AWAY Diamonds and Rubies, solid gold rings, precious museum quality vessels, have gone for practically nothing... because we are providing MAGICK -- we're not a jewelry store, even though our Vessels are most often cast on jewelry so you might comfortable wear or carry them. So when you see a Vessel like this going for such a low price, remember, this is MAGICK BEING PASSED ALONG TO YOU! PRICE IS NOT IMPORTANT. ACT NOW AND TAKE THE GIFT
Goddess Andreal has the ability to be in many places / dimensions at the same time, and so you will never be left alone. Even though she is a HIGH GODDESS and can be owned by no one person, her Magick is beyond our comprehension, and this ensures that YOU will have her undivided attention at all TIMES!! I have used my Channeling of Andreal as an experiment. I decided to open a special account to benefit a non profit organization that save feral cats and I sought Andreal's help to show me how to fill that account. Through a series of dreams I was led to embark on a certain venture including 3 other persons, and our venture turned out to be WILDLY successful. I filled the account with $190,000.00. I think I've done a wonderful thing!! I feel tremendously satisfied and rewarded.
You do not want to go through life never having experienced Astral Travel. It's like being allowed to go on vacation every night. You MUST TRY IT. Andreal will be taking you to places of adventure, fun and deep lasting knowledge!
There is something so Mystical and Wonderful about Unicorns. And just like so many of the ancient legends, it is based on absolute TRUTH! I would never sell mine, not for any amount of money. You are going to feel the same when you enter into the Magickal world of this Beautiful creature. Your dreams will suddenly become a place of adventure and wonder, and you will start to understand how we are all connected, and what your place in this world really is. Don't pass this one by. You are going to LOVE IT!!!!
Here is one of the many emails I receive about this spell.
"Greetings again. Last night again I visited my mother. I was so sad when she died and now i talk to her just like she was still alive. I haven't told my husband 'cos he'd think I had lost it. It's true that i really talk to her and she talks back. I see her in her new home that is like the old one but much better. Thank you dear sweet Anna. You and Madame Crawley have really helped me so much and from the bottom of my heart I thank you." Philis from Oxnard CA
Andreal, Goddess Unicorn is channeled through this Magickal piece. She is not attached to it, nor is she an enslaved entity. This Goddess Unicorn is a direct White Spirit who has agreed to channel her energy through certain spell-cast Vessels.
Andreal is a Night-Guide and will accompany the owner of this piece into the Magickal world of Astral Traveling.
When you wish to journey into this incredible plane, place the Vessel next to you or wear it as you sleep. Andreal will come to you, and invite you to mount her silken white back. She will take you where ever it is you wish to go, and she will protect you always.
You will be able to visit loved ones either on this plane, or who have passed over. You will be able to travel though time and space, visiting events and people from your childhood, or even from before you were born! Most people can only manage the here and now but with Andreal you will be in expert hands, and this is her domain.
Astral Traveling has been of great advantage to those capable ones though out the history of mankind. With the beautiful Goddess Andreal, white Unicorn Guide, you will be able to explore this vast and Magickal landscape. Highly recommended spell. Rare. Only a certain amount of these pieces can be cast with this Astral Travel Spell.
Spells cast from the Van Doren Book of Spells.


We currently only accept Paypal.
FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. Items will be shipped first class mail. I will do my best to get your item out within 48 hours of payment. Holidays and special occasions may cause a delay. Having said that, I often post the same day as payment.
One of the pictures we took during my recent visit with Madam Crawley in England.
Please check my other auctions to learn all about who and what is going on here! My father who recently passed away was a treasure hunter, and Madam Elizabeth Crawley being a world class Medium has been asked to do readings on the pieces in my father's collection. Not only is she a medium but also the High Preistess at a very renowned Coven is Sussex, England. I've simply fallen in love with her. I've never met a more enlightened, generous and powerful lady in my whole life. She is 97 years old, but treats life with so much joy and passion... She has truly tought me to see every day as a special miricle.
As for me--I take very much pride in what I am doing, and I consider myself blessed to be acquainted with such important figures in the Wiccan community. I package all the items carefully and treat my customers with total respect. This is a very serious venture to me--I KNOW Magic is real as it has played an enormous role in my life. I wish to share with the world the bounty of Magick that is available to those who seek it.
My name is Anna, please contact me if you have any questions
Read a few of our AMAZING feedbacks! Most of our clientele are repeat customers.

Please let me know if you have any problems before leaving negative or neutral feedback as I'm sure we can work out anything that might come up. I will leave feedback as soon as it's left for me. I appreciate all the wonderful and appreciative emails I've received since selling these items on eBay. Thank you and Blessings!