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The popular name of this large erect shrub is inspired by the clusters of bright orange-yellow berries that follow the flowers, in such quantities that they often cause the slender branches to droop gracefully.

The lavender-blue or purple or white flowers appear in loose clusters, and both berries and blossoms are often seen on a plant. Flowers have a mild sweet vanilla-like smell.

Duranta requires frequent pruning to make a bushy plant, especially when used as a hedge, and needs full sun to bloom well. Bringing the potted garden a unique burst of color and form, this amazing cultivar surpasses the standard lavender cultivar in brightness and intensity.

Use as a basket plant, a mounding bush or train into a standard, this plant will give the color deep purple new meaning. As free flower as any Duranta it covers itself in dripping chains of bloom.

Each petal in the flower is defined by a light lavender boarder and marked by a white eye. A stunning sun lover that will bring months of gorgeous color to any garden, sunroom or conservatory.

Duranta is easy to grow and requires little care. It tends to sprawl and will need regular thinning and pruning to keep it under control.

Light: Does best in full sun. Tolerates partial shade.

Moisture: Needs regular watering. Duranta is only moderately drought tolerant.

WARNING :The fruits are poisonous to humans. Do not use this shrub in childrens' play areas.