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The Thai Golden Shower or Cassia fistula is perhaps the showiest of all the Cassias.
The golden shower tree is the national flower of Thailand, its yellow flowers symbolize Thai royalty.
Its a deciduous tree growing to 9 metres if allowed, it likes well-drained soil and is both drought and frost tender.
Its flowers are large, yellow, fragrant and occur in very long, drooping sprays.
(germinating/guideline only)
Light: Prefers full sun though can tolerate semi-shade.
Moisture: Moderate water regularly. Quite drought and salt tolerant.
Soil: Grow in a wide variety of well-drained soil – can be clayey, loamy, sandy, slightly alkaline or acidic.
Propagation: scatter and push them about 1 cm deep into your garden bed or potted soil at a sunny spot. With regular watering, they should germinate within 10days-1 month. Germination can be hastened by soaking the seeds for 3 days or by scarifying before planting.