Made in USA
2 Bottles 120 Capsules

Antioxidant agent
maintain cardiovascular health
increase energy levels
improve physical performance
support joints
promote memory functions
boost Immune system

What Is Noni extract?
Noni extract is derived from the fruit of a small evergreen plant called noni, also known as Indian mulberry normally found in global subtropics and tropics. It is often one of the earliest species which grow on the freshly deposited lava flows typically in Hawaiian regions. The name is attributed to distinctive health supporting abilities in noni. In fact, noni extract can offered an extensive diversity of essential nutrients.
Noni extract Nutrition Facts
Noni extract offers an impressive combination of healthful vitamins, minerals and other phytonutrients. Vitamin content of noni extract include vitamin B1(thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3(niacin), Vitamin B5(pantothenic acid ), vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), folate, vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) and beta-carotene. Mineral content present in noni extract include calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. Along with this, the abundance of natural constituents and an inspiring range of Antioxidants.  It’s no surprise that noni extract is such great food with so much nutritional value and so many health benefits.
Acts as Antioxidant Agent
Noni extract can provide consumers with a great source of Antioxidants. Noni extract has a tremendous Antioxidant potential which seeks out for the oxygen free radicals and neutralize their effects. Taking Noni extract daily you may notice the energy boost as well as stress relief. 
Support Muscles
When it comes to benefits of noni extract, many people refer to its ability to improve Muscle health. Noni is known to help with joint and skin conditions, and may improve Muscle strength. Consumption of noni extract may help create a relaxing effect on the Muscles. 
Improves Cardiovascular Health
Noni is a good source of Antioxidants and Vitamin C, and is relatively high in potassium. Potassium is associated with many health benefits such as a healthy heart rhythm, muscular contraction, and nerve function and energy production. Noni extract may maintain cardiovascular health. 
Noni and Fatigue
Noni extract is a time-honored supplement and was traditionally used to deal with general body weakness and advancing quality of life and energy levels. Some qualities of this herbal supplement may help in enhancing the tolerance, elasticity and overall physical performance of the body. Noni is a great source of Antioxidants that may help to boost energy levels and deal with fatigue. 


Supplement Facts:

Serving Size: 1 Capsule 
Servings Per Container: 60
Noni (8:1 concentrate) 500mg *

OTHER INGREDIENTS: Gelatin (bovine),rice flour and vegetable magnesium stearate. This product is manufactured and packaged in a facility which may also process   milk, soy, wheat,egg, peanuts, tree nuts,fish and crustacean shellfish.

SUGGESTED USE: 1 (One) capsule taken 1 to 2 times daily preferably with meals or as directed by a healthcare professional. 
Do not exceed recommended dose. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under 18, and individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.