Alfred, Lord Tennyson's Men and Women by Rose Porter 1898

Alfred, Lord Tennyson's
Men and Women
Arranged by Rose Porter
An Every Day Book
New York: E. R. Herrick and Co.
Copyright 1898
269 pages

The hinges are broken, otherwise the binding is in acceptable condition. The pages are lightly tanned and the page ends are untrimmed. There is a bookplate on the front paste down and a name written on the front end paper. The cover is edge worn and the spine is darkened. Acceptable. Hardcover.

Contents:  Jan.-Juvenilia, Feb.-English Idyls and Other Poems, Mar.-English Idyls and Other Poems, Apr.-Idyls of the King, May- Idyls of the King, June- The Holy Grail, In Memoriam, July- The Princess, Aug.-Maud, Harold, Sept.-Queen Mary, Oct.- The Foresters, Nov.- Becket, The Cup, The Falcon, Dec.-Miscellaneous   .14 (#0000423)