This issue is SIGNED by:
Rutger Hauer AKA Roy Batty
Joseph Turkell AKA Dr. Eldon Tyrell
James Hong AKA Chew

This issue was signed at Monsterpalooza 2014, Photos are of the signing, except I didn't get a photo of Rutger Hauer signing, I got a photo WITH him.

See photos!

This is a June 1982, 9th issue of the Cinefex magazine.  This issue features the design and effects which went in to creating the classic film Blade Runner. The book is 71 pages long and still includes a back issue order form. The book is in good shape though there is some wear on the front cover, a little bending and edge wear, a small tear on the back cover and some other cover wear from age and handling. There is no severe wear and the book is still intact and perfectly legible.  Please ask if there are any questions.