This powerful haunted Djinn vessel is perfect for those looking to open their minds and hearts deep into their souls and sense a calling.

The Story of Isobel:

Isobel, born in the early 20th century to a powerful warlock and a community healer, was surrounded by magic from a young age. Inducted into her coven at twelve, she quickly mastered the mystical arts. Today, Isobel binds ancient spirits and forges magical items during celestial events.

Product Details:

This haunted Djinn vessel was created through an ancient ceremony at a secret stone circle in the British lands. The site is charged with universal powers and has been used for centuries by witches, warlocks, and druids. The ring contains an ancient Djinn from the Marid tribe, dedicated to making its master dignified and enhancing hidden talents and abilities.


Activation and Bonding:

You'll experience positive changes and inspiration as you bond with this ring. The Djinn is active and seeking a new master to share its powers.

Note: If you feel drawn to this item, act quickly. Once rehomed, it may not be available again.