The Lamp Post arose from a challenge to use elements of chiaroscuro, with a point source of light. The basic image for this came together quickly, but implementing it was where I spent more time! I generally start with a piece of muslin to put things on - and the piece I pulled out already had a lamp post and a path drawn in, long enough ago that I forget what I had planned. However, a lamp post is certainly a source of light, so I went with that, using some Angelina® fiber for the light, and a bit of tulle for the rays emanating from it. I added some glitter paint as a last touch.

Chiaroscuro also includes shading from light to dark, which I tried to create using diluted ink. The trees and other greenery filled in nicely, but left a blank spot that needed something, and that was the bench with the man asleep on it, with a newspaper over his face to save me from having to draw it!

Size: 28" x 18½"



My artwork is mounted on foam core, which creates a light-weight but rigid piece with a wire for hanging and  a felt backing. It is treated with a sun-block spray, although prolonged exposure to direct sunlight may eventually cause fading.