Please be sure to read the entire description before purchasing.
Please note this is a transfer from the long out of print VHS tape so the quality is that of a VHS tape. But this film is so rare that this is the best print available.
Based on the popular children's story by Scott O'Dell, this family movie tells of the true adventures of a young Native American girl. After her father is killed by a malevolent white trapper, Karana (Celia Kaye) joins her community as they leave their island home in the Pacific to live on the mainland. Upon her departure, Karana realizes that her brother has been left behind. She immediately swims back to be with him and the two remain on the abandoned island. Though Karana is able to domesticate a wolf, her brother is not so fortunate with the animals and is killed by a pack of wild dogs. She is left to survive against the odds for several years before she has a chance to journey to the mainland herslelf.
The Pictures are actual screen captures from the DVD.
Sold on 1 DVD-R Disc in a DVD case with basic but nice artwork.
Please note:
This film is believed to be in the Public Domain.