The Truth And The Light: Music From The X-Files Cd
1 Introitus: Praeceps Transito Spatium
2 Materia Primoris: The X-Files Theme (Main Title)
3 Raptus
4 Adflatus
5 Deverbero
6 Cantus Excio
7 Mercutura
8 Lamenta
9 Insequi
10 Otium
11 Dubitatio
12 Iter
13 Progigno De Axis
14 Carmen Amatorium Ex Arcanum
15 Facetus Malum
16 Memoria
17 Mitis Lumen
18 Fides Fragilis
19 Exoptare Ex Veritas
20 Kyrie
The Truth and the Light: Music from the X-Files is a 1996 album by Mark Snow. The album is composed of excerpts of instrumental music scores from the first three seasons of the American science fiction television series The X-Files, on which Snow was the resident composer.
All used  disks are professionally refurbished and test played before shipping and will play  well in most machines.