All Magnate bandsaw blades are welded and fabricated in the USA. The coils/material of the bandsaw bladesare USA brands. The picturedepicts a generalbandsawblade and thus may lookdifferent fromeach particular item.Note: theimage shows only one single blade. For packaging purposes, this blade is folded into a coiled position which is similar to a spring and may pop open when uncoiled. Wear leather gloves and eye/body protection while using extreme care when uncoiling the blade. Failure to exercise the proper care could result in serious bodily injury. See your bandsaw owner's manual for further safety instructions. Please refer to your owner's/operation manual tomake sure the blade's length, width andthickness can fit your bandsaw machine. Bi-Metal band saw blades are designed to work with a woodworking saw at a speed range of 800-3,500 fpm to cut plastics, all types of woods ( especially ideal for hard woods i.e. oak, maple, walnut or cherry), plastics, and non-ferrous metals (aluminum, copper, brass, etc). To cut ferrous metal (i.e. carbon steels, light alloy steels, mold steels, and tool steels), you must only use a metal-cutting bandsaw, at a speed range of 40 - 200 fpm. The following is a guideline for choosing an adequate tooth pattern to cut metal materials, Use * 20 - 24 variable to cut 1/16" to 1/4" thick material, * 14 - 18 variable to cut 1/8" to 3/8" thick material, * 10 - 14 variable to cut 3/16" to 7/16" thick material, * 8 - 12 variable to cut 1/4" to 1/2" thick material, * 6 - 10 variable or 6 Hook to cut 5/16" to 5/8" thick material, * 5 - 8 variable or 6 Hook to cut 3/8" to 1" thick material, * 4 - 6 variable or 6 Hook to cut 1/2" to 2" thick material, * 3 - 4 variable or 4 Hook to cut 3/4" to 4-1/2" thick material, * 3 Hook to cut 1" to 6" thick material, * 2 Hook to cut 2" to 12" thick material. The following bandsaw models use 98 inch ( 8 ft. 2 inch, 8' 2" ) long bandsaw blades.