Approximately 20 years after the events depicted in Deus Ex, The World is only beginning to recover from a catastrophic worldwide depression. In the Chaotic period of recovery, several religious and political factions see an opportunity to re-shape a worldwide government to their agendas, understanding that the right moves now could determine the shape of human society for decades ? even centuries ? to come. In this techno-nightmare, take part in the dark struggle to raise the world from its own ashes.

IBM PC or 100% compatible
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP
Pentium IV, 1.3GHz (Or AMD Athlon XP equivalent) processor
100% DirectX 9 32MB 3D Accelerated video card with Pixel Shader v1.1 Capability
256 MB System RAM
100% DirectX 9 Compatible Sound Card
2GB free uncompressed hard drive space (additional space may be necessary for saved games)
100% Windows 2000/XP compatible Mouse and Keyboard
Pentium IV, 1.5 Ghz (or AMD Athlon XPequivalent) or greater processor
512 MB System RAM
100% DirectX 9 128MB 3D Graphics Card
2GB of Hard Drive Space
Supported Video Chipsets:
nVidia GeForce 3Ti/4Ti/FX - Note: GeForce MX series is NOT SUPPORTED. ATI Radeon 8500/9xxx or higher.