From the author's Preface: "Since the war now raging is one of global dimensions, involving the future and destiny of all mankind, it may appear to some that the solution of the problems of so small a country as Palestine, will be but an incidental, if not a task of minor importance for the United Nations at some future peace conference. I have nevertheless made Palestine the central theme of this book. I have done this because I do not believe that the defeat of the Axis will automatically solve the Jewish problem with which Palestine is intimately and inextricably bound up. For that question is in fact being settled now; on the one hand by the frightful and uninterrupted killing of Jews in Europe and on the other by the lack of interest in high places, both in Britain and in America, in providing the terrorized remnants of European Jewry with a means of escape or event with a ray of hope for survival. The fate of the Jews is being settled today by political events in the Near East and by decrees issued by Britain's Colonial Office. The new and better world that is to emerge from mankind's present agony is becoming visible in the Holy Land. It is not a happy or inspiring sight. As one who is aware and who feels with a sense of personal involvement Christianity's guilt in the Jewish people's woes and the constant deepening of their anguish, I could no longer be silent. I made no emotional appeal. My language is not violent; the facts are. I simply stated the case of the Jews and their country for the consideration of all men of good will."
Binding: Hardcover Edition: 5th Printing Label: Dial Press Manufacturer: Dial Press Publication Date: 1944 Publisher: Dial Press Studio: Dial Press |