BAYCOX 25mg/100ml 


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Oral solution 
Control of coccidiosis: because we know how much it costs


  • Spread spectrum
  • Acts in all intracellular phases of coccidio
  • Does not interfere with the development of immunity
  • 2 days of treatment are enough
  • Does not interfere with the absorption of nutrients
  • Does not affect the pigmentation of birds
  • Does not alter the consumption of feed and water


Composition per ml:
Toltrazuril: 25 mg.

Indications for use: 
Poultry (broiler chickens, breeding pullets and turkeys): In broiler chickens and breeding pullets, for the treatment of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria acervulina, E. brunetti, E. maxim, E. necatris, E.tenella and E. mivati. 
In turkeys for the treatment of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria adenoides and E. meleagrimitis.