WE 3X CAST this FREE CHARM with a Spell that has been long practiced within her family. It is called the "Faery seeker". This spell will allow the bearer to gain access to a Mystical realm in which one will be given a "Faery guide" who will have a "spiritual connection " with the bearer and "inherently know" what it is that the bearer needs and wants. Then, this faery guide will direct the bearer in the direction of these goals and needs. She says that this very powerful and guarded spell grants whomever possesses such a Magickal piece to travel through a portal in which one will be able to "form a relationship with one's "Faery Guide".
My friend says that once all the members in her family come of age, they are given a piece imbued with a spell so that they may gain Knowledge, power, wisdom as well as an understanding of the Mystical realms and Magick's incredible potential. She adds that many in today's world do not, and also choose not to even attempt to explore such realms because they have grown to believe that their existance is the 'stuff of fairy tales". My friend says that she feels sorry for those who have "closed themselves off" and " fail to see that these wonderful 'beings of light' not only have much ot offer us, but they also understand how few of us now enter their kingdom".
My friend says that once one acquires this piece, one will soon find that "entering this realm" requires a slight adjustment in how one percieves their "world", and then after one makes this adjustment, one can expect to begin "changing and growing as a result of the bond one makes with one's guide". She advises that one first attempt entering the realm when one is meditating, because it usually is a "shock" when one's mind is fully alert and usually unable to allow "what it perceives as unrealistic" to process as credible information. However, she adds that once one "relaxes and understands what they are experiencing" words cannot descibe how many different experiences one may have that will enrich and empower one's self!
*~ My Greatest Thanks and Blessings to My Wiccan friend for all of her devoted time and assistance!*~