Please do not add to card unless you are purchasing. This item is free with the purchase of any listing with the purchase of any listing for ONE freebie with a PURCHASE ORDER.
I am offering one lovely charm enchanted with your choice of spell. Whether it is love, money, health or success there is an enchantment that is suited for your specific need. Message me with your spell choice, and charm color will be chosen to correspond with the enchantment.
Spell Type
Find a Job/Get a Raise
Find a Home
Gain Money/Prosperity
Peaceful/Harmonious Home
Business Growth
General Wish
Repair Relationships
Remove Hex/Break a Spell
Fast Luck/Gambler’s Luck
Beauty and Confidence
Safe Journey
Locate Object
Promote/Lucid Dreaming
Lose Weight
The vessels are beautiful, petite round charms in vivid colors, in a silver tone setting. They are a little more than ¼ inch each way and are very pretty hung on a chain, or could be placed in a mojo bag, or carried with you. *Charm style may vary.*
One freebie of any kind per order. Mention in notes which freebie you would like to add with your order.
Many Blessings!