3 Packs Lotus Leaf Brand Rheumatic Oil


Product Description


Made in Singapore.


Lotus Leaf Brand Rheumatic Oil Qian Li Zhui Feng You, provides effective soothing relief from pains associated with rheumatics, sprains, numbness, cramps, sore, backaches, lumbago, arthritis, bruises and muscular strains.




For the relief of rheumatic pain, sprains, lumbago, joint ache, bruise, cramp, backache, muscle pain, neck shoulder stiffness.




Massage into affected area 3 to 4 times daily after locating the spot that hurts most, with the palm for one minute while slowly applying more pressure. Avoid contact with water for 2 hours.


Safety Information


For external use only. Keep out of reach of children. Not suitable for children under aged 12 years old.


If rash occurs, discontinue use immediately. If the symptom persists or redness is present, consult a physician immediately. Avoid contact with eyes. If contact occurs, rinse the eye with cold water.



All items are shipped directly from Singapore, its country of origin, with tracking information available to check the delivery status. 


Stock Availability


Ready in-stock.


瓶装 荷叶牌正新加坡千里追风油



新加坡制造之荷叶牌千里追风油是采用古方, 精选名贵药材配制而成, 其气味芳香, 奏效讯速。本品采用上等到名贵药材配合炼成, 对腰酸背疼, 操劳过度引起手足骨疼酸软, 抽筋麻痹, 风湿肿痛, 脚肿等症均有非常神速的功效。



适用于肩膀酸痛, 坐骨神经痛, 风湿麻痛, 关节炎痛, 腰酸背痛, 腰椎骨刺, 经络气血不调。




先用热毛巾敷患处两分钟, 再用毛巾抹干后, 才涂上两、三滴千里追风油, 于痛点上, 用手掌轻轻拍打于疼痛处, 每日三至四次。。用后二小时内患处避免接触水。




本品只供外用, 忌食。孕妇及皮肤敏感者忌用。十二岁以下儿童禁用。请将本品放置于儿童没法触摸的地方。使用时避免接触眼睛及敏感肌肤。如使用本品后皮肤过敏或刺激红肿, 请立即停止使用, 先用大量清水清洗, 如果七日后症状还未好转, 请立即请教医生。 



所有商品从原产地新加坡直邮发货, 附带跟踪信息, 以方便检查其交货状态。



亲们, 若要咨询荷叶牌千里追风油, 欢迎加微信号 Aha-Yess 曾先生联系, 感谢您的光临。