Released on August 2, 1932: A mysterious hooded bandit is terrorizing a small western town and it is up to a stranger dressed in black, a Mexican ranch hand and a tourist from Altoonie, Pennsylvania to find out who the hooded night rider really is.

Genre: Drama

Duration: 1h 13min

Director: Fred C. Newmeyer

Actors: Harry Carey (John Brown and Jim Blake), Elinor Fair (Barbara Rogers), George 'Gabby' Hayes (Altoonie), Julian Rivero (Manuel Alonzo), J. Carlton Wetherby (Dan Rogers), Nadja (saloon dancer Tula), Tom London (Jeff Barton), Walter Shumway (Sheriff Lynn Ricker), Bob Kortman (Steve), Cliff Lyons (Bert Logan, foreman of the Roger's Ranch), Hank Bell (rancher), Ralph Bucko (barfly), Roy Bucko (barfly), Bartlett A. Carre (henchman), Ben Corbett (henchman), Jim Corey (barfly), Jack Evans (barfly), Jack Kirk (bartender Jack), Clyde McClary (waiter), Pascale Perry (Dean), Al Taylor (barfly), Slim Whitaker (henchman)

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