The Little Shop of Horrors
Released on August 5, 1960: A clumsy nerd working in an L.A. Skid Row florist shop discovers a man-eating plant that gets hungry every evening at sunset.
Directed by: Roger Corman
Written by: Charles B. Griffith and Mel Welles
The Actors: Jonathan Haze Seymour Krelboin, Jackie Joseph Audrey Fulquard, Mel Welles Gravis Mushnick, Dick Miller Burson Fouch, Myrtle Vail Winifred Krelboin, Karyn Kupcinet Shirley, Toby Michaels Shirley's friend, Leola Wendorf Mrs. Siddie Shiva, Lynn Storey Mrs. Hortehse Fishtwanger, Wally Campo Detective Sergeant Joe Fink - narrator Jack Warford Detective Frank Stoolie, Meri Welles Leonora Clyde, John Herman Shaner Dr. Phoebus Farb, Jack Nicholson Wilbur Force, undertaker with bad teeth, Dodie Drake waitress, Robert Coogan Tramp, Jack Griffin Drunk, Charles B. Griffith Kloy - the screaming patient, and the burgler at the flower shop
Runtime: 1h 12min
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