Released on November 16, 1946: Chuck Scott (Robert Cummings), takes a job as chauffeur for a gangster with a beautiful wife. Soon the wife convinces Chuck to help her run away to Havana, but her crime boss husband is on the chase.

Genre: Film-Noir

Duration: 1h 26min

Director: Arthur Ripley

Actors: Robert Cummings (Chuck Scott), Michele Morgan (Lorna Roman), Steve Cochran (Eddie Roman), Lloyd Corrigan (Emmerrich Johnson), Jack Holt (Commander Davidson), Don Wilson (Fats), Alex Minotis (Lt. Acosta), Nina Koshetz (Madame Chin), Peter Lorre (Gino), Yolanda Lacca (Midnight), James Westerfield (Job the butler), Jimmy Ames (the killer), Shirley O'Hara (the manicurist), Florence Auer (Miss Connors, the lady barber), Bess Flowers (card player at the bar), Martin Garralaga (Havana cabbie), Sam Harris (card player at bar), Alex Montoya (Havana detective), Frances Morris (the Commander's secretary)

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