Released on March 1, 1931: The riveting tale of a man who tragically destroys his life and his family with booze after taking one drink in a local bar.
Genre: Drama
Duration: 1h 12min
Director: William A. O'Connor
Actors: William Farnum (Joe Morgan), Tom Santschi (Simon Slade), Peggy Lou Lynd (Mary Morgan), Robert Frazer (Doctor Romaine), Phyllis Barrington (Ann Slade), Rosemary Theby (Sarah Morgan), Thomas Jefferson (Silent Sam), Lionel Belmore (Bill, bartender), John Darrow (Frank Slade), Frank Leigh (Harvey Green), Kathrin Clare Ward (Grandma Morgan), Sheila Bromley (June Manners), Fern Emmett (Fanny), Harry Todd (Sample), John Uppman (the singer), Daisy Belmore (old hag), Hank Bell (barfly), Frank Ellis (card player), Henry Roquemore (unknown), Blackjack Ward (townsman), Slim Whitaker (barfly).
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