Released on February 11, 1949: A rogue Chinese warlord terrorizes the small village of Ming Goo and holds the State Department diplomats in the U.S. consul hostage.
Genre: Action
Duration: 1h 27min
Director: Sam Newfield
Actors: William Lundigan (Kenneth R. Seeley, #649), Virginia Bruce (Margaret 'Marge' Waldon), Jonathan Hale (Director-General), Frank Ferguson (Consul Reither), Richard Loo (Marshal Yun Usu), Philip Ahn (Colonel Aram), Raymond Bond (Consul Howard Brown), Milton Kibbee (Bill Sneed), Victor Sen Yung (Johnny Han), Lora Lee Michel (Jessica Morse), John Holland (Wilfred Ballinger), Harlan Warde (Reverend Doctor Morse), Carole Donne (Mrs. Sarah Morse), Barbara Woodell (Carrie Willoughby, consul clerk), Robert Stevenson (Mongolian spy), Lee Bennett (Don Logan), H.T. Tsiang (Wonto, undertaker of Ming Goo), Joseph Crehan (government official), Ray Bennett (fur trader Bill), Nana Bryant (Mrs. Peggy Brown), Jean Adren (unknown), Spencer Chan (unknown), Fred Coby (Vice Consul), John Dehner (third oral examiner), Raymond Greenleaf (examining board member), John Halloran (examining board member), Henry Kulky (Mogolian Sergeant who kidnaps Ken), Harry Lauter (Foreign Service trainee), Kam Tong (unknown), Beal Wong (radio operator Lang)
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