Released on March 14, 1962: Mars and Venus team up with an Earth warrior to create trouble for Vulcan and his Sicilian nymph.

Genre: Action

Duration: 1h 16min

Director: Emimmo Salvi

Actors: Bella Cortez (Aetna, the Sicilian nymph), Iloosh Koshabe (Vulcan, blacksmith titan), Annie Gorassini (Venus, goddess of beauty), Roger Browne (Mars, god of war), Liliana Zagra (Sicilian rebel girl), Furio Meniconi (Jupiter, god of lightning), Omero Gargano (Neptune, god of the sea), Gordon Mitchell (god of darkness), Isarco Ravaioli (Mercurius, messenger of the gods), Yvonne Sire (Juno, Jupiter's wife), Salvatore Furnari (Geo the little man), Ugo Sabetta (Milos, King of the Thracians), Edda Ferronao (Erida, goddess of hate), Renzo Stefilongo (unknown), Paolo Pieri (unknown), Pasquale Fasciano (unkown), Giuseppe Trinca (unknown), Romano Gaspari (unknown), Amedeo Trilli (unknown), Luigi Ciavarro (unknown), Leopoldo Savona (unknown)

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