Released in 1968: In 1998 astronauts encounter wild women on Venus who want to destroy them when the astronauts kill their reptile god.
Genre: Adventure
Duration: 1h 18min
Director: Peter Bogdanovich
Actors: Mamie Van Doren (Moana), Mary Marr (Verba), Paige Lee (Twyla), Gennadi Vernov (astronaut Andre Freneau), Margo Hartman (Mayaway), Irene Orton (Meriama), Pam Helton (Wearie), Frankie Smith (woman of Venus), Georgiy Teykh (Captain Alfred Kern), Judy Cowart (woman of Venus), Vladimir Yemelyanov (Commander William 'Billy' Lockhart), Robin Smith (woman of Venus), Cathie Reimer (woman of Venus), Yuriy Sarantsev (astronaut Howard Sherman), Georgi Zhzhyonov (astronaut Howard Sherman), Adele Valentine (woman of Venus), Peter Bogdanovich (narrator).
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