Released on January 18, 1961: A playboy private detective in search of a killer discovers that three seductive blondes are the prime suspects.
Genre: Crime
Duration: 1h 26min
Director: George Moskov
Actors: Jock Mahoney (Duke Wallace), Greta Thyssen (Helen Fortner), Jesse White (Ed Kelly), Elaine Edwards (Lois Collins), Anthony Dexter (Charlie Walsh, bartender), Valerie Porter (Martha Carr), Brian O'Hara (Lewis, Fortner's butler), Darlene Hendricks (betty, Kelly's secretary), Charles G. Neidel Sr. (Richard Rogers), Gil Frye (Hank, insurance investigator), Robert Carson (Henry Carr), Dwight Marfield (the Lakeview Sheriff), Jewell Lain (Mary, Rogers' secretary), Phil Arnold (police detective), Suzi Carnell (Carr's secretary)
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