The World Gone Mad

Released April 15, 1933: The District Attorney is murdered, and a hot shot reporter helps uncover the stock fraud that got him killed.

Directed by: Christy Cabanne

Written by: Edward T. Lowe Jr.

The Actors: Pat O'Brien Andy Terrell, Evelyn Brent Carlotta Lamont, Neil Hamilton Lionel Houston, Mary Brian Diane Cromwell, Louis Calhern Christopher Bruno, J. Carrol Naish Ramon Salvadore, Buster Phelps Ralph Henderson, Richard Tucker Graham Gaines, John St. Polis Grover Cromwell, Geneva Mitchell Evelyn Henderson, Wallis Clark District Attorney Avery Henderson, Huntley Gordon Osborne, Inez Courtney Susan Bibins, the telephone operator, Max Davidson Abe Cohen the tailor, Chester Gan Alpha Delta, Houston's servant, Joseph W. Girard Police Detective Nichols, Harrison Greene Al the bartender, Ben Hall Newspaper office boy, Lloyd Ingraham Blair, the newspaper editor, Syd Saylor Colllins the janitor, Rolfe Sedan the man on the phone, Charles Sullivan truckdriver killer

Runtime: 1h 20min

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