Released December 28, 1945: A wealthy old man is saved from drowning by a hat-check girl at the Stork Club, and in appreciation he gives her a fortune . . . but when her boyfriend finds out, he thinks she is a 'kept woman'.

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 1h 38min

Director: Hal Walker

Actors: Betty Hutton (Judy Peabody), Barry Fitzgerald (Jerry B. 'J.B. Pops' Bates), Don DeFore (Sergeant Danny Wilton), Andy Russell (Jimmy 'Jim' Jones), Robert Benchley (Tom P. Curtis, the lawyer), Bill Goodwin (Sherman Billingsley, Stork Club owner), Iris Adrian (Gwen, Judy's friend), Mary Young (Mrs. Edith Bates), Charles Coleman (MacFiske, the butler), Perc Launders (Tom, the saxophone player), Mikhail Rasumny (Mr. Coretti, matire d'), Catherine Craig (Louella Parsons), Audrey Young (Jenny, hat check girl), Jean Acker (dress saleslady), Sam Ash (ringsider), Mae Busch (Vera), Anthony Caruso (Joe the fisherman), Frank Chalfant (Messenger with Bates' Gift for Judy), Edwin Chandler (Deb's escort), Mary Currier (Hazel Billingsley), Steve Darrell (Stork Club Captain #3), John Deauville (Yorke Towers elevator operator), Bruce Donovan (Bill, Stork Club starter), Gloria Donovan (Barbara Billingsley), Jimmie Dundee (Fred, fisherman), Franklyn Farnum (nightclub diner), Jack Gargan (nightclub extra), Diane Garrett (cigarette girl), Dorothy Garrett (cashier), William Haade (Army Sergeant dancing with Judy), William Halligan (Barny, theatrical agent), Reed Howes (patron), Darrell Huntley (Chuck, fisherman), Mary Icide (showgirl), Jerry James (the Canteen emcee), Roberta Jonay (Molly, hat check girl), Colin Kenny (nightclub extra), Audrey Korn (showgirl), Vivian Mason (showgirl), Georgia McCready (showgirl), William Meader (Bates' chauffeur), Harry Hays Morgan (diner at the Stork Club), Joan Morton (showgirl), Noel Neill (Jacqueline Billingsley), Roger Neury (Stork Club Captain #1), William Newell (Higgins, Judy's chauffeur), Tony Paton (Stork Club dishwasher), Renee Randall (showgirl), Jack Rice (Stork Club Captain #2), Elaine Riley (Deb), Cosmo Sardo (Rocco, Stork Club waiter), Jeffrey Sayre (nighclub dance extra), Jackie Shannon (cigarette girl), Paul Stanton (Mr. Hanson, Locke's credit manager), Jane Starr (Mess Patten, Billingsley's secretary), Grady Sutton (Peter, salesman), Beverly Thompson (showgirl), Alvina Tomin (showgirl), Miriam Vance (showgirl), Pierre Watkin (Mr. Gray), Audrey Westphal (showgirl), Douglas Wood (Dr. Marston)

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