Released on December 1, 1949: A French Detective teams up with the best cat-burglar in France to steal a list of foreign spies from a building in Switzerland.
Genre: Crime
Duration: 1h 27min
Director: Robert Hamer
Actors: Eric Portman (Fernand Maubert), Guy Rolfe (Philippe Lodocq), Nadia Gray (Madeleine Saincaize), George Cole (Marc, a detective), John Carol (Jean Louis and Alfred Louis), Harold Lang (pickpocket Belfort), Edward Chapman (Minister of War), Maurice Denham (Colonel de la Roche), John Salew (Minister's secretary), Mary Hallatt (Monique), James Hayter (Mayor), Arthur Lowe (town clerk), Patrick Young (Captain le Maitre), Sebastian Cabot (Prefect at Amiens), Jeremy Spenser (Jacques, boy in church), Madge Brindley (Jacques' grandmother), Keith Pyott (Father Pletsier), Natasha Sokolova (Nicole Porte), Philip Stainton (caf manager), Hal Osmond (Swiss taxi driver), Alastair Hunter (watchman at ligation), Gerald Anderson (first coding clerk), Arnold Diamond (police officer), Howard Douglas (Inspector Le Jeune), Wallace Douglas (customs official), John Fabian (young shop assistant), Anne Gunning (Madeleine's maid), Hattie Jacques (Caf Michel barmaid), Hamilton Keene (second coding clerk), Andreas Malandrinos (bank watchman), Charles Paton (Caf Schader waiter), Campbell Singer (Belfort's escort), Frederic Steger (Swiss warder), Iris Vandeleur (cleaning woman)
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