Released on May 15, 1934: A Coming of Age drama about a school girl learning to smoke, drink, gamble, and party with the boys.

Genre: Drama

Duration: 1h 2min

Director: Dorothy Davenport

Actors: Helen Foster (Ann Dixon), Nell O'Day (Eve Monroe), Glen Boles (Tommy), Robert Quirk (Ed), Paul Page (Ralph Bennett), Richard Hemingway (Brad), Virginia True Boardman (Martha Dixon), Richard Tucker (Mr. Dixon), Donald Kerr (drunk shooting dice), Eleanor Thatcher (girl dancing to the Campus Crawl), Neal Pratt (Evans), Jimmy Tolson (Jimmy, club singer), Edward Biby (party guest), Mae Busch (Mrs. Monroe), Jack Cheatham (detective), Dorothy Davenport (Mrs. Merrill), Fern Emmett (neighbor Homer's wife), Adolph Faylauer (party guest), J.C. Fowler (Homer, the alarmed neighbor), J. Frank Glendon (Ann's doctor), Lew Hicks (police detective), Jack Holmes (party guest), Walter James (headwaiter), Theodore Lorch (abortion doctor), Stanley Mack (bartender), Merrill McCormick (party guest), Field Norton (party guest), Arthur Vinton (police detective)

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