Released on July 29, 1957: A jet plane test pilot has a near death experience and it may have turned him into a psychotic killer.

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 1h 1min

Director: Montgomery Tully

Actors: Paul Carpenter (Valentine 'Val' Neal), Patricia Roc (Mary Foster), Roland Culver (Doctor Francis Pelham), William Hartnell (Scotland Yard Inspector Ross), Gordon Needham (Detective Sergeant Davis), Edgar Driver (Atkins the porter), Tom Tann (Wang the houseboy), Ellen Pollock (Miss Barbara Barton), Robert Sansom (senior test flight official), Martin Wyldeck (Doctor Bradford), John Serret (Doctor Martin), Oliver Johnston (Doctor Kenyon), Kay Callard (jazz club blonde), Tim Fitzgerald (Val as a boy), Mary Jones (Elizabeth Neal, Val's mother), Hilda Barry (Mary's housekeeper Mrs. Griggs), Jessica Cairns (Mary's secretary), Helen Gilmer (nurse), Dennis McCarthy (constable), Jill Nicholls (nurse), Richard Stewart (constable), Patricia Wellum (nurse)

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