The House of Haunted Hill
Released on February 17, 1959: A wealthy man offers five guests ten thousand dollars if they will spend one night in the haunted house and survive. For the exterior shots of the house, the director used a Frank Lloyd Wright designed house in Los Angeles that was later used in the films "Blade Runner," "Black Rain," and "Rocketeer."
Genre: Horror
Director: William Castle
Actors: Vincent Price (Frederick Loren), Carol Ohmart (Annabelle Loren), Richard Long (Lance Schroeder, test pilot), Alan Marshal (Dr. David Trent, psychologist), Carolyn Craig (Nora Manning, works for Loren), Elisha Cook Jr. (Watson Pritchard, owner of the haunted house), Julie Mitchum (Ruth Bridgers, newspaper columnist), Leona Anderson (Mrs. Slydes, mansion caretaker), Howard Hoffman (Jonas Slydes, mansion caretaker)
Runtime: 1h 33min
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