Released on March 30, 1953: An escaped killer forces two men on a fishing trip to take him across the Mexican desert in a wild chase from the law.

Genre: Drama

Duration: 26min

Director: Ida Lupino

Actors: Edmond O'Brien (Roy Collins), Frank Lovejoy (Gilbert Brown), William Talman (Emmett Myers), Jos Torvay (Captain Alvarado), Sam Hayes (himself, radio broadcaster), Wendell Niles (Wendell Nilest), Jean Del Val (Inspector General), Clark Howat (Government agent), Natividad Vacio (Jos), Gordon Barnes (Hendrickson), Rodney Bell (William Johnson), Orlando Beltran (salesman), Wade Crosby (bartender Joe), June Dinneen (waitress), Joe Dominguez (unknown), Henry A. Escalante (Mexican guard), Al Ferrara (gas station attendant), Taylor Flaniken (Mexican Cop), Nacho Galindo (Jos Abarrotes), Martin Garralaga (bartender), Ed Hinton (Chief of Police), Larry Hudson (FBI Agent), Jerry Lawrence (news broadcaster Sam Hayes), George Navarro (salesman), Kathy Riggins (little girl at Abarrotes), Tony Roux (gas station owner), Felipe Turich (man offering help to change the flat tire), Rosa Turich (woman in car with helpful man), Collier Young (sleeping Mexican peon)

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