Released on November 8, 1949: The greatest trotting horse in history is owned by a man with two women in his life and he may not have the horse sense to choose the right one.
Genre: Adventure
Duration: 1h 34min
Director: Joseph M. Newman
Actors: Dennis O'Keefe (David Palmer), Gail Russell (Cissy Lathrop), Ruth Warrick (Ruth Treadwell), Charlotte Greenwood (Aunt Netty), Henry Hull (Dan Palmer), John Hoyt (Ben Lathrop), Arthur Hunnicutt (Chet Williams), Clarence Muse (Voodoo), Harry Lauter (Bud Ransome), Stanley Blystone (work crew foreman Chris), Everett Brown (stablehand), Bill Cartledge (telegram boy), Jack Cheatham (Minnesota State Fair racing official), Earle Hodgins (driver), Ralph Montgomery (driver), Davis Roberts (smiler), Douglas Spencer (Boswell County Fair racing official), Forrest Taylor (Lexington racing official)
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